How important is the natural nutrition for newborn babies and is it dangerous to make compromises with it? In the next few minutes we will go through 10 popular myths about breastfeeding, try to break some of them, and understand what lies behind them.
They say the breakfast is the most important meal of the day. – Not only for children but also for adults. But why exactly is it so important? And what includes the healthiest breakfast, according to studies?
Many of us have done drastical diets, promissing to get us rid of excess weight quickly. The problem with such diets is, that the results are temporary and most of the cases we regain the lost weight, because of the yo-yo effect which these kind of diets have on our body.
If excess weight is a problem that you have already encountered, you’ve probably heard about the yo-yo effect. It occurs when you lose weight, but eventually after some time you gain it back again. If you want to avoid this problem, it is good to know what causes it.
Collagen is the most abundant protein in the human body (25-35% of the total protein). It gives strength and elasticity to the body. Except the skin, it builds the internal organs, bones, joints, cartilage, tendons, cornea and blood vessels.
Switching to lighter hair color, especially if you have colored your hair for a long time darker can be quite a challange and very damaging to your hair. However there is a completely natural and not damaging your hair solution to get rid of unwanted darker hair color.
The skin around eyes is very delicate and as we age there you can see the traces, that years has left the most. That’s why it is good to start using an eye cream after the age of 21, so you can prevent wrinkles and dark circles under the eyes.
Nutritionist Lee Holmes says there are three different body types – Vata, Pitta and Kapha, that all require different diets and different activities to keep them balanced and healthy.
Researchers from Kyoto University in Japan suggest that fish oil is able to transform fat-storage cells into fat-burning cells in mice.
If you want long-term results stick to these 12 eating habits, that will help you lose weight and keep you slim and fit forever.