DIY: 8 Homemade Anti-acne masks
BEAUTY See all BEAUTY postsAcne is a very frustrating problem. It comes in most inappropriate time in our life and if we don’t take good care of it, it can leave us traces for life. Not only on our face, but also on our self-confidence.
There are many ready to use anti-acne products on the market, but if you prefer to get rid of the acne in a natural way – you can try some of these 8 homemade masks, fighting the acne.
Make the acne disappear and enjoy clean and fresh skin!
Helpful Anti-acne Ingredients
Honey has antiseptic and antibacterial properties, it further reduces redness and inflammation of the skin. It is best to use biological rather than processed honey, as the latter may irritate the skin.
Ingredients such as cinnamon, apple cider vinegar, green tea, turmeric and milk can also be helpful in reducing acne.
The cinnamon has antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties, similar to honey. The alpha hydroxy acids (AHA) in the apple cider vinegar unclog the pores and dissolve dead skin cells. In addition, apple cider vinegar cures pimples, restores the natural pH of the skin and minimizes pores.
The green tea is full of antioxidants that fight the harmful free radicals and will help you to have bright and flawless tan. This magical tea has also anti-inflammatory properties.
The turmeric is also suitable for treatment of skin problems due to its antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. It also helps in fading spots and acne scars.
The raw milk contains lactic acid, which gently exfoliates skin and protects against wrinkles.
Here 8 simple face mask recipes, that can help you fight the acne. Make sure you clean your skin very well before applying them, so they can penetrate deeper into the skin.
1. Anti-acne mask with green tea, honey and apple cider vinegar
› Green tea
› Honey
› Sugar
› Apple cider vinegar
In a bowl put 1 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar, add 2 tablespoons cooled green tea and 5 tablespoons of honey. Stir the mixture well and add sugar for higher density. Apply the mask on your face using a cotton pad and massage for several minutes to remove dead cells and improve circulation. Sugar acts as a natural exfoliant and unclogs pores. Leave it to act for about 10 minutes and rinse thoroughly. Use once or twice a week.
2. Anti-acne mask with cinnamon and honey
› Cinnamon powder
› Honey
Put 1 teaspoon of cinnamon powder in a bowl, add 2 tablespoons of honey and stir the mixture. If it’s too thick, add little more honey. Apply the mask on slightly damp skin and leave it to act for about 10-15 minutes. Rinse with warm water and apply face tonic. If you do not have one, use lemon juice or a mixture of one part vinegar and two parts distilled water. Use the mask almost daily.
3. Anti-acne mask with turmeric, milk and honey
› Turmeric powder
› Honey
› Raw milk
Put 1 teaspoon of turmeric powder in a bowl, add 1 teaspoon of honey and 1-2 tablespoons of raw milk. Mix the ingredients until the mixture gets smooth. Apply the mask on the face and neck with a makeup brush. If there’s a yellowish tinge left on your face, clean it with cleansing milk. Use the mask every 3 days.
4. Anti-acne mask with olive oil and salt
› Olive oil
› Salt
A great peeling for clean skin. Mix in a bowl 4 tablespoons of salt and 3 tablespoons olive oil. Stir it well, until you obtain a homogeneous mixture and apply on your face as you apply cream. Massage gently for 1-2 minutes and rinse with warm soapy water. The salt has exfoliating properties, and olive oil restores the natural moisture of the skin. The result is a clean face without acne. Use the mask once a week.
5. Anti-acne mask with oatmeal and lemon juice
› Oatmeal
› Lemon
In a bowl mix 2 tablespoons of oatmeal and lemon juice until a thick slurry is formed. Wash your skin with warm water before applying, to open the pores. Then apply the mixture on the affected areas and let it act for few minutes. If your skin is sensitive, mix the lemon juice with water, but not too much. The citric acid contained in the lemon juice cleanses the skin and removes the dead cells from the surface. The oatmeal calms down the irritated skin. After this quick and easy procedure your skin will calm down and the redness will literally disappear. Use this face mask once or twice a week.
6. Anti-acne mask with yogurt
› Yogurt
› Slice of bread
It is well known that yogurt contains valuable vitamins and minerals that are important for our health. Applied on the skin, they help in restoring damaged areas and prevent the occurrence of future defects. Put 3-4 tablespoons of yogurt on a slice of bread. Wait for a few minutes so that the moisture from yogurt goes into bread and apply on affected skin areas. Leave it to act for several minutes and remove with a damp cloth. After regular use of this mask you will see that your skin gets smoother and more radiant than ever. Use the mask almost daily.
7. Anti-acne mask with egg white, lemon and baking soda
› Egg
› Lemon
› Baking soda
This is also a very simple mask, which gives excellent results. Separate the 1 egg white in a bowl and whisk it to snow, add the juice of 1 lemon and 1 teaspoon of baking soda. Mix everything well and apply in several times on the face. Let it act for 20-30 minutes and rinse with warm water. What is the effect? Firm and clean skin without redness and acne. Use the mask once a week.
8. Anti-acne treatment with green tea and ginger
› Green tea
› Ginger powder
Steep 5 green tea bags. Pour the brew in a tub/pot of warm water (37 degrees) and add 6 packs of ginger powder. Stay with your face above the tub/pot for about 20 min. It is desirable to immerse your face for most of the time in the water. It feels stinging, even with rinsing. After it you’ll feel even the cool water as hot. There is a burning feeling, but no such visible effect. The anti-inflammatory properties of ginger will calm the puffiness, soothe the inflamed skin, promote proper blood circulation and the green tea will make your tan bright and flawless. Use the mask once in two weeks.