How important is the natural nutrition for newborn babies and is it dangerous to make compromises with it? In the next few minutes we will go through 10 popular myths about breastfeeding, try to break some of them, and understand what lies behind them.
Nutritionist Lee Holmes says there are three different body types – Vata, Pitta and Kapha, that all require different diets and different activities to keep them balanced and healthy.
Cellulite – the nightmare of every woman over 20. It occurs in 70-90 % of women and with aging it gets even worse. What causes cellulite and how to get rid of it? Is there a permanent solution for the problem?
Change of seasons – a difficult period for the body. The weather is changing, immunity decreases, and our mood is also dropping. How to learn to listen to your body, and to recognize the lack of vitamines and minerals in it?
Are you destined to be fat if your parents are fat? What role play genes in obesity and overweight? Can you blame it on nature, your parents or yourself for being overweight? Can you change something about it?