They say the breakfast is the most important meal of the day. – Not only for children but also for adults. But why exactly is it so important? And what includes the healthiest breakfast, according to studies?
Collagen is the most abundant protein in the human body (25-35% of the total protein). It gives strength and elasticity to the body. Except the skin, it builds the internal organs, bones, joints, cartilage, tendons, cornea and blood vessels.
Researchers from Kyoto University in Japan suggest that fish oil is able to transform fat-storage cells into fat-burning cells in mice.
Take a look at some fruits and vegetables from the past and their present versions.
Here are 5 immune boosting foods, that will help strengthen your immune system naturally and stay healthy through the winter. A rich in healthy foods menu, ensures that you provide the body with everything it needs, so it can strengthen its natural protection powers.
Lemons are loaded with vitamin C – they contain 64% of your Daily Value per 100 g. It is the primary water-soluble antioxidant in the body. It strengthens the immune system and improves your overall health.
Gluten-free diets are becoming increasingly popular. Supporters of such food believe that by eliminating gluten from your diet, you can easily get rid of the unwished extra weight, normalize your sleep, get rid of chronic fatigue and finally begin living a happy life.
Fancy rows of products in perfect shape, color and identical in size. A challenge for the food chemistry – to improve the taste and appearance of products, to make their production low-cost and to increase their shelf life.
Garlic is popular in every cuisine and is used in many dishes around the world. This aromatic ingredient with pungent, spicy flavor gives not only good taste to our dishes, but is also very good for our health.
What is so special about this fruit? In almost each diet you are being advised to eat apples. This is the favourite fruit of all nutritionists. Yes, the apples are a low calorie food, but so are other fruits and vegetables. Why apples? What is so beneficial about them?