Top 8 exercises for sexy & tight butt
BODY See all BODY postsTo form a sexy and tight butt, it is important to develop not only the gluteal muscle, but also the back of the thighs. Here I will review exercises, which involve these two muscle groups.
The list is not as long as you might think and it includes well known basic exercises, such as squats, deadlifts and lunges, but also some specific movements – such as glute kickback, Bulgarian squat thrust and Romanian deadlift.
1. Squat
The most important exercise for the lower part of the body! If you really want great legs and sexy but, you should take squats seriously. But keep in mind, that the technique of execution is not so simple:
1. Make a stride of about 125% of the width of the shoulders. The feet should point slightly outwards.
2. Straighten your back, take a breath, tighten your abs and with a movement from the pelvis go back and down, do not let your knees go forward. Your eyes should be pointing forward.
3. Continue to squat until you start feeling a mild tension in the waist. Only now the knees can go forward for a better balance, but the movement should be minimal.
4. Hold for a moment and exhaling smoothly and controlled return to the starting position.
It is important to squat deep but not too deep! Lower until your thighs get in a parallel position to the floor.
2. Deadlifts
This exercise loads simultaneously almost all muscle groups in the body. It is especially suitable for our purpose because it focuses mostly on the gluteal muscles and thighs.
Just as the squat, deadlift is not so easy to implement – it will take a while until you master this exercise. It is essential to activate the gluteal muscles when lifting, especially in the last phase of the movement. The picture below shows the wrong and correct posture in the upper position:
On the left you see the most common mistake: bending backwards and pulling the shoulders. This movement is not only unnecessary, but also extremely dangerous because it greatly increases the risk of injuries in the waist and at the same time limits the activation of the gluteal muscles.
On the right you see the correct position: Without excessive arch in the waist. This way you should end movement at deadlifts.
3. Hip trust
There are many different variations of this exercise, but I advise you to opt for a variation of single leg hip trust, barbell hip trust or with a training band.
4. Romanian deadlift
A variation of deadlift, where the focus is on the back of the thighs. Do not forget that for a sexy butt you need to work on the back side of thighs.
Here’s how to perform this exercise:
5. Lunge
Most people do not know that during the concentric phase of this exercise, we load largely the gluteal muscles.
On the video below you can see how to do a forward lunge:
If you have problem knees I advise you to try another variation of the exercise – the reverse lunge:
6. Bulgarian Split Squat
This is an more advanced exercise. The movement similar to that in lunge, the difference is that the rear foot is located on a supporting crate or box:
7. Glute kickbacks
For this exercise you have to stand on your hands and feet. From this position lift one leg up, knee remains bent at 90 degrees throughout the entire movement:
8. Inchworm stretch
This is an excellent exercise for stretching out the back part of the legs and the butt. You should keep your legs as much as possible straight throughout the exercise.
If you want to have a tight and sexy butt, these are the best exercises, with which you can achieve it. It won’t be easy, but the results will be amazing!
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